Meditative Massage

What to Expect

This deeply relaxing and meditative hour combines subtle massage with a series of light hand placements that are held for several minutes each. This massage relies heavily on my study of Reiki, Biodynamic Massage and MABT (Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy). I am a Reiki 1 certified practitioner.

The calm, gentle touch of this massage provides comfort, restoration, and support. Your nervous system is given time to regulate and many people find they enter the Theta state, an awake but deeply relaxed state of mind conducive to healing, creativity and intuition.

This massage can be done either clothed or unclothed and draped. A hot pack and aromatherapy is available if desired.

When to schedule this service

The Meditative Massage is great for a variety of issues.

  • For deep relaxation and centering when feeling stressed or scattered

  • For pain relief after injuries when deeper work is ill-advised

  • For a feeling of being held and comforted when grieving, anxious or depressed.


60 min - $110